Our Services:

Specializing in removal, field application and field integration of liquid and dry manure​
Specializing in removal, field application and field integration of liquid and dry manure​


​Liquid Manure Transport

is here to take care of all your liquid manure needs. LMT pumps your dairy lagoon manure into tanks on trucks which then precisely apply this rich liquid fertilizer onto your fields. Liquid manure is full of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, and micronutrients such as zinc and copper which are also essential minerals that often get forgotten about; liquid manure should not be a waste product but highly valued!

Using trucks to take care of your liquids is much more cost and time efficient than pumping them straight into the field, no worries about borders or pipe breaking, or uneven application. There is always a market for dry manure, however often dairymen are stuck with what to do with their liquids, LMT is here to precisely and efficiently take care of this problem and fertilize your land with valuable liquids found right on your property.

Call us today at 559-467-8456.